In the last newsletter issued in May 2019 we provided details of changes with the Strata Titles Reforms, in relation to the duties of the Council members, developers and meeting changes. This newsletter will give you another glimpse of several changes to come into effect with the Act for Strata Managers and Council of Owners. We have delayed issuing this newsletter as we were waiting on the release of the draft regulations, which have now been released,but are still subject to change by Landgate prior to delivery to Parliament in November 2019.
A manager is not authorised to perform functions as a Strata Manager unless a contract is in force between the Strata Company and the Strata Manager.
To date there is no prescribed licensing of Strata Community Management Businesses in Western Australia. It is currently a voluntary self-regulated process to ensure professionalism. Until such time as there is an industry approved Strata Community Management model of rules and regulations pertaining to Strata Community Management, SCA WA (peak body for Strata Community Managers launched in 2018 a Strata Management Practice Standard, a business certification program for strata management businesses and through an independent audit processes companies would be able to be audited on their internal procedures as well as contractual relationships with Strata Companies. We are so thrilled to announce that All Strata Management Services was the first and still is the only Strata Management Business Nationally that has been certified to date.
Requires that contracts between the Strata Company and Strata Manager are in force within 6 months of the commencement date of the Act (The aim is for the Strata Titles Amendment Act 2018 to come into operation in the first or second quarter of 2020, though this timing is subject to completing the regulations)
If no contract is currently in place, new contracts must be executed.
If a current contract is in place, it must be updated to comply with new rules and must disclose any monetary or other interest they (Strata Manager) has that may conflict with the performance of their duty and the amount or value of any remuneration or other benefit that they reasonably expect to receive from persons other than the Strata Company in connection with the performance of their functions.
Strata managers will not be permitted to perform these scheme functions:
If the Act requires the strata company to pass a resolution in a general meeting of the strata company before the strata company can perform a specific function, that function can only be performed by the strata manager if the required resolution has been passed.
To encourage people to volunteer for the council, the Act will state that a council member is not liable in any civil proceedings for any act that they do in good faith when performing the role of a council member.
The draft regulations require strata managers to lodge an annual return in the approved form at the office of Landgate. The Annual return must be lodged within 3 months after the end of the calendar year to which it relates and it must contain information such as:
Landgate may choose to publish a list of the names of strata managers who provide this information. Landgate advises that this information will be kept confidential.
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