Owners Forms & Requests

Change of Mailing Address

To ensure our records are accurate at all times, please complete the details below to update your contact details.

According to the Strata Titles Act :

105.    Roll to be kept by strata company

(1)       A strata company must prepare and maintain a roll containing the particulars required by subsection (4).
(2)       The roll may be kept in any medium.
(3)       A strata company may make or amend entries in the roll on the basis of —

(a)       the information in documents registered under this Act; or
(b)       subject to subsection (5), information provided by, or on behalf of, an owner or a mortgagee of a lot.

(4)       The particulars to be entered in the roll are —

(a)       the name of the strata company; and
(b)       the name and address for service of each member of the council, or officer, of the strata company; and
(c)       the name and address for service of the owner of each lot; and
(d)       the name and address for service of each strata manager of the strata company; and
(e)       the name and address for service of any lessee or tenant of a lot notified to the strata company; and
(f)        the name and address for service of any mortgagee of a lot notified to the strata company.

(5)       A strata company must not amend the roll —

(a)       to reflect the discharge of a mortgage except on the basis of
(i)        information provided by, or on behalf of, the mortgagee; or
(ii)       the production of a duplicate or a certified copy of a certificate of title showing the mortgage as having been discharged; or
(b)      to show a change of address of a mortgagee except on the basis of information provided by, or on behalf of, the mortgagee.


After Hours Emergency Maintenance

Please click your property below to download the Emergency Maintenance Information Sheet. If your property is not listed, please download the Standard Emergency Maintenance Information Sheet.