Owners Forms & Requests

Application to Carry out Alterations or Additions

If you would like to seek consent to perform alterations or additions to a Lot or Common Property, please click the button below to download the request form. Once completed, either post, fax or email the form to admin@allstrata.com.au.

Alternatively please feel free to use the online form below and send any attachments such as council approval letters or diagrams of proposed works as pdfs and or jpg files.
Please limit file upload size to less than 10MB.

Application Details

Contact Details (please provide at least one)

Address of Strata Property

Description of Proposed Alteration/Addition

Has approval from the Local Council been obtained?

Will any of the alterations listed above affect the external surface of the building in any way?

Diagrams or Drawings of Proposed Alteration/Addition


In accordance with Schedule 2 Conduct By-Law 14 of the Strata Titles Act 2018, a proprietor, occupier or other resident of a lot shall not, without the written consent of the Strata Company, maintain within the lot anything visible from outside the lot that, viewed from outside the lot, is not in keeping with the rest of the building.

Therefore to obtain permission the applicant must seek consent from the Strata Company and be supported by votes having a value of not less than 50% of the aggregate unit entitlement of the lots in the scheme and of the proprietors of not less than 50% of the lots in the scheme and ensure that the votes against the resolution do not have a value of 25% or more of the aggregate unit entitlement of the lots in the scheme or are not cast by the proprietors of 25% or more of the lots in the scheme. If approved, the following conditions will form part of the approval. Please note, further conditions may apply to your application.

1. The proposed additions/alterations are to be in accordance with the building by-laws of the Local Authority (if applicable}.
2. The Strata Company will be fully indemnified against any damage of any kind whatsoever, which may be done to the development or to any property under their control and that should damage be incurred by the applicant or his agents, employees, trades-persons, tenants etc, that the damage will be immediately repaired and made good at the sole expense of the applicant.
3. All costs, fees and charges in respect of the alteration/addition will be at the applicant's sole expense. The Strata Company will be further indemnified against any claim of any nature whatsoever from whomsoever, which may arise at any time, concerning the non payment of moneys owing with respect to the work performed.
4. The alterations be in keeping with the visual aesthetics of the development and that materials used within the existing development only be used.
5. The proprietor of the Unit from time to time will be responsible for all required maintenance to the alteration/addition.

IMPORTANT: This is an application only and is strictly subject to the prior approval of the Strata Company. No work may commence until a formal written approval is given.


Proprietor of Unit


agree to the terms and conditions listed above for our application and note that further conditions may apply to our request. We understand that our application must be approved by the Strata Company before any works can be arranged

After Hours Emergency Maintenance

Please click your property below to download the Emergency Maintenance Information Sheet. If your property is not listed, please download the Standard Emergency Maintenance Information Sheet.