In the last newsletter issued in May 2019 we provided details of changes with the Strata Titles Reforms, in relation to the duties of the Council members, developers and meeting changes. This newsletter will give you another glimpse of several changes to come into effect with the Act for Strata Managers and Council of Owners. We have delayed issuing this newsletter as we were waiting on the release of the draft regulations, which have now been released,but are still subject to change by Landgate prior to delivery to Parliament in November 2019.

A manager is not authorised to perform functions as a Strata Manager unless a contract is in force between the Strata Company and the Strata Manager.

  • must act honestly and in good faith to the strata company
  • must exercise a reasonable degree of skill, care and diligence
  • must hold minimum education requirements as set out in the Regulations (the draft regulations currently require a principal of the business of a strata manager to hold a Certificate IV in Strata Community Management if they do not hold a licence as a real estate agent under the Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 or are not a local legal practitioner whom also must have completed 2 core units in Certificate IV Strata Community Management as well as 2 specific elective units in Certificate IV Strata Community Management and a designated person whom is not a principal must have completed 2 core units in Certificate IV Strata Community Management as well as 6 specific elective units in Certificate IV Strata Community Management)
  • must hold a current police clearance must have a good working knowledge of the Strata Titles Act
  • must not make improper use of information acquired as strata manager for a strata company to gain an advantage for themselves or someone else, or cause a detriment to the strata company
  •  must not make improper use of the position of strata manager to gain an advantage for themselves or someone else, or cause a detriment to the strata company
  • must take reasonable steps to ensure that the strata manager’s employees comply with the Act
  • must have professional indemnity insurance to cover any loss arising from any act or omission of the strata manager
  • must inform the strata company in writing as soon as a they are aware that they will obtain a financial benefit which conflicts with their duty to the strata company (ie: a conflict of interest)
  • must inform the strata company in writing as soon as they are aware that they:
    • have received a commission or
    • are likely to receive a commission (such commission will have to be above a specified value as set out in the regulations and won’t include a small gift, such as a box of chocolates)
  • must control the funds of the strata company in a trust account.
  • must be able to account separately for money that the strata manager pays or receives on behalf of the strata company
  • must provide the strata company, within a reasonable time-frame, with accounting information about:
    • the name and number of each account operated by the strata manager on behalf of the strata company
    • the balance of money held in those accounts
    • details of money paid to or received by the strata manager on behalf of the strata company, and
    • details of any transaction that the strata manager enters into on behalf of the strata company
  • must give the strata company’s auditor access
    and any other information in relation to
    accounts operated on behalf of the strata

To date there is no prescribed licensing of Strata Community Management Businesses in Western Australia. It is currently a voluntary self-regulated process to ensure professionalism. Until such time as there is an industry approved Strata Community Management model of rules and regulations pertaining to Strata Community Management, SCA WA (peak body for Strata Community Managers launched in 2018 a Strata Management Practice Standard, a business certification program for strata management businesses and through an independent audit processes companies would be able to be audited on their internal procedures as well as contractual relationships with Strata Companies. We are so thrilled to announce that All Strata Management Services was the first and still is the only Strata Management Business Nationally that has been certified to date.

Requires that contracts between the Strata Company and Strata Manager are in force within 6 months of the commencement date of the Act (The aim is for the Strata Titles Amendment Act 2018 to come into operation in the first or second quarter of 2020, though this timing is subject to completing the regulations)

If no contract is currently in place, new contracts must be executed.

If a current contract is in place, it must be updated to comply with new rules and must disclose any monetary or other interest they (Strata Manager) has that may conflict with the performance of their duty and the amount or value of any remuneration or other benefit that they reasonably expect to receive from persons other than the Strata Company in connection with the performance of their functions.

Strata managers will not be permitted to perform these scheme functions:

  • authorising a person to perform a scheme
    function other than as an agent, employee or
    contractor of the strata manager (more
    information on this will be covered in the
  • determining contributions
  • entering into, varying, extending or
    terminating a contract with another strata
  • terminating a contract for amenities or
    services where that contract has run for more
    than 5 years
  • commence an action on behalf of the strata
    company in a court or tribunal
  • authorising a person to sign documents on
    behalf of the strata company, the council or
    an officer of the strata company
  • perform a scheme function declared in the
    regulations as something that should not be
    performed by a strata manager.

If the Act requires the strata company to pass a resolution in a general meeting of the strata company before the strata company can perform a specific function, that function can only be performed by the strata manager if the required resolution has been passed.

To encourage people to volunteer for the council, the Act will state that a council member is not liable in any civil proceedings for any act that they do in good faith when performing the role of a council member.

The draft regulations require strata managers to lodge an annual return in the approved form at the office of Landgate. The Annual return must be lodged within 3 months after the end of the calendar year to which it relates and it must contain information such as:

  • The total number of strata title schemes for which the strata manager is providing services as a strata manager
  • the total number of lots in those strata title schemes
  • an estimate of the total amount of money held by the strata manager on behalf of all of the strata title schemes
  • general description of the type of services the strata manager provides
  • the number of employees, contractors or agents who are employed or engaged by the strata manager to provide services in respect of those strata title schemes.

Landgate may choose to publish a list of the names of strata managers who provide this information. Landgate advises that this information will be kept confidential.

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