All Strata offers a range of Extra services to its clients. These services are subject to the direction of the Council of Owners, and attract an additional charge at an hourly rate or pro rata for part of an hour.

ü  Attendance at Extraordinary or Council meeting both during business hours and after hours

ü  Make application to Government authorities

ü  Instruct and liaise with lawyers in accordance with Strata Company resolutions

ü  Assist Strata Company in tribunal (SAT) or court hearings

ü  Arrange lawyer drafting of by-laws changes to by-laws, consolidation of by-laws and by-law reviews.

ü  Arrange lodgement of pre prepared by-laws

ü  Arrange Security and Concierge Services

ü  Arrange Building Facility Services

ü  Arrange Building condition Surveys

ü  Attendance on site with Council

ü  Managing of Dividing Fence disputes

ü  Any work related to new developments (defects)

After Hours Emergency Maintenance

Please click your property below to download the Emergency Maintenance Information Sheet. If your property is not listed, please download the Standard Emergency Maintenance Information Sheet.